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1. 选择项目,最最难,继续挠头。。。

2. 提供在I-526审批环节所需要的,资金来源的合法证明文件,牵涉细节很多,也着实不容易。

之前,EB5Sir已经找过Vaughan de Kirby律师的一篇就抵押贷款做资金来源证明的文章。今天这篇文章,是他的一篇就工资做资金来源证明方式,投资者所需要提供的材料的清单,供各位朋友们参考。



• 过去五年的收入所得税纳税证明。投资者如果有,应该提供过去五年的个人纳税证明。如果公司代扣代缴员工的个人所得税,那么证明进行了代扣代缴的公司纳税记录应该包括在申请文件中。纳税证明不是为了证明投资者真正纳了税,而是为了证明投资资金来源合法。如果投资人在过去五年中任何时候没有报税,对此进行解释是非常必要的。不能提供纳税证明,可以通过提供这个部分提到的其它文件来替代。USCIS确定投资资金的合法来源时,将综合审查提交的全部文件。

• 投资者资金来源声明。投资者应该在申请文件中包括一份声明,详细说明其工作的公司,受雇时间,以及这段时间积累的收入额。申请文件中包括一份资金来源声明可以帮助向USCIS证明投资用的工资的来源。

• 配偶的资金来源声明。如果投资人已婚,配偶的收入声明也应该包括在申请文件中,从而证明投资资金的来源。

• 雇主出具的收入证明。为了证明投资资金来源于投资人的工资,EB-5申请文件中还应该包括一封投资人雇主出具的信,详细说明公司的情况,投资人受雇期间的职位及收入。

• 劳动合同。为了证明投资资金来源在公司工作的收入,投资人和雇主之间的劳动合同也应该包括在申请文件中,详细说明双方的权利和义务。如果没有劳动合同,重要的是用这里提到的其它几份文件来代替。

• 银行对帐单。为了证明一段时间工资存入了投资人的账户,申请文件中应该包括投资人的银行对账单。USCIS将会审查银行对账单,证明积攒的工资收入能够支付投资所需的资金。如果投资人的工资是用现金支付的,证明一段时间里现金规律地存进账户也可以。虽然银行对账单是证明合法工资积累的有力的证据,但不能提供对账单,也可以用这个部分提到的其它文件来弥补。正如提醒过的,USCIS确定投资资金的合法来源时,将综合审核提交的全部文件。

• 房产所有权证明。如果投资人拥有房产,是用积累的工资购买的,现在这个房产用于获得投资所需的资金,那么房产所有权证明应该包括在EB-5申请文件中。证明房产所有权的文件包括房产证,购房合同,体现取出购房资金的银行对账单,以及说明房屋价值的评估报告。USCIS可能会询问房产是怎样被购买的,以及投资人怎样能够支付购房款。

• 其它资产的证明。投资人拥有的任何其它资产的证明,如定期存款,债券,股票,如果申请人是用工资购买的这些金融产品,并且这些资产将做为EB-5投资资金的一部分,这些证明也应该包括在申请文件中。定期存款,债券和股权证书是证明所有权的充足的证据。如果某种金融产品已经到期,钱已经被取出,证明取出的钱存入投资人银行账户的银行对账单也应该包括在EB-5申请文件中。

原文作者:Vaughan de Kirby律师,原文网站:www.visaanswer.com。

EB-5 Investor Visa: Documents Proving Salary as the Lawful Source of the Investment Funds

To qualify for an EB-5 visa, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) requires the investor to show that the investment capital came from a lawful source. In general, funds obtained by any lawful means are acceptable, including salary. To prove salary as the lawful source of the investment funds, substantial supporting documents will need to be included with the EB-5 application submitted to the USCIS. The following documents, if available, should be included with your application to prove that salary is the lawful source of the investment funds:

• Income tax returns for the past five years. If available, the investor should submit his or her individual tax returns for the past five years. In situations where a company pays taxes on behalf of the employee, records from the company showing that such filings or withholdings have been made should be included with the EB-5 application. The evidence of income tax returns is not intended to prove that the investor has actually paid taxes. Rather, the tax returns are meant to prove that the investment capital was derived from a lawful source. If the investor has not filed tax returns at any time during the previous five years, an explanation for not filing the tax returns may be necessary. An inability to provide tax returns may be offset by providing the other mentioned documents in this section. USCIS will look at the submitted documents as a whole when determining the lawful source of the investment capital.

• Investor’s capital source statement. The investor should include a statement detailing the companies he or she has worked for, the time frames of employment and the amount of income accumulated over the course of employment. Including a capital source statement will help demonstrate to USCIS the source of the invested salary.

• Spouse’s capital source statement. If the investor is married, an income statement for his or her spouse should also be included with the application to demonstrate the source of funds for the investment.

• Income certificate from employer. A letter from the investor’s employer describing the business, the investor’s position during employment, and income earned over the course of employment should be included with the EB-5 application to demonstrate that the investment funds came from the investor’s salary.

• Employment contract. The employment contract between the investor and employer describing the rights and responsibilities of both parties should be included with the application to demonstrate that the funds were derived from employment with the company. If the employment contract is not available, then it is important to supplement the application with several of the other documents listed herein.

• Bank statements. Bank statements of the investor should be included with the application to show salary deposits into the investor’s account over a period of time. USCIS will look to the bank statements to demonstrate that the salary accumulation resulted in sufficient savings to cover the total investment amount. In cases where the investor’s salary was paid in cash, evidence of regular cash deposit into the bank account over time will suffice. While bank statements are a very powerful piece of evidence to prove the lawful salary accumulation, the inability to provide them may be balanced by including the other mentioned documents in this section. As noted, USCIS will look at the submitted documents as a whole when determining the lawful source of the investment capital.

• Evidence of property ownership. If the investor owns property that was purchased with his or her accumulated salary and this property is being used now to generate the source of funds for the investment, then evidence of the property ownership should be included with the EB-5 application. Documents evidencing property ownership include the property ownership certificate, the purchase agreement, a bank statement reflecting the withdrawal of funds for the purchase of the property, and an appraisal statement explaining the value of the property. The USCIS may ask how this property was purchased and how the investor was able to afford the purchase.

• Evidence of other assets. Evidence of any other assets owned by the investor such as CD’s, bonds, or stocks should be included with the application if the applicant used his or her salary to invest in any such instruments and the instruments are now being used as part of the EB-5 investment capital. CD, bond, and stock certificates are adequate forms of documentary evidence demonstrating ownership. If an instrument has matured and the money has been withdrawn, a bank statement evidencing the deposit of the withdrawn money into the investor’s bank account should also be included with the EB-5 application.